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时间:2022-10-20 | 作者:佚名 | 阅读:

性对男人来讲到底有多重要?_海洋的重要性_海洋气象 重要

you’ve been a to avoid the news , you’ll know that the ocean is vital to life on Earth. But why, , is this the case?


Here are five why we need to its .以下是我们需要保护海洋未来的五大原因。

1. It helps us .海洋能够帮助我们呼吸

– tiny plant-like that live in the sea – are for at least 50% of the on Earth.浮游植物是生活在海洋中的微小生物,他们就像植物一样,生产出地球上至少50%氧气。

Just like land-based , they to and use to it into the they need, as a . They also , about 10 of from the deep into the ocean each year.就像陆地植物一样,它们含有叶绿素以捕获阳光,并利用光合作用将其转化为能量,同时产生氧气,并消耗二氧化碳。每年浮游植物都将大约10亿吨碳从大气转移到海洋之中。

2. It helps the .海洋有助于气候调节

The ocean huge of heat from the sun. “More than 90% of the that has on Earth over the past 50 years has in the ocean,” to the US and .


That heat tends to be at its most the , with the water the the most. Sea then that heat the world; north and south, the poles. As some of the sea water it and , due to its salt . That it to sink, some of the warm water .这种太阳热量往往在赤道附近最为强烈,最接近地表的水变暖最多。然后海流会将热量传递到世界各地,往南、北两个方向抵达两极。随着表面海水受热蒸发,海水的盐含量提升,令其密度变大,导致海水下沉,使一些温暖的海水抵达更深的区域。

Some are for . One is the Gulf , which takes water from the Gulf of the to . If the Gulf were , much of the part of – the UK, and – could .一些海流直接导致了特定的气候影响。其中一个例子是墨西哥湾海流海洋的重要性,它将墨西哥湾的温暖水从大西洋带到欧洲。如果墨西哥湾海流中断,欧洲西部的大部分地区(包括英国,爱尔兰和法国)可能会变得更加寒冷。

3. It’s an of food3.海洋是重要的食物来源

Fish is on the menu for of the world every day. It for 16% of all . Of , there’s more to than fish, and other . A range of algae and sea are also used in .鱼类每天都为全球数十亿的人口提供食物。它占全球动物蛋白消耗量的近16%。当然,海鲜不仅指鱼类,还包括了甲壳类动物和其他可食用海洋生物。一系列藻类和海洋植物也常被用于烹饪之中。

The UN Food and lists , , , and among some of the in . has been as the “most and ” cause of in .联合国粮食及农业组织列出了海藻中含有的一些重要营养,如钠,钙,镁和碘。碘缺乏已被确定为儿童认知发育受损的“最普遍且最易于预防”的原因。

on and the have led to calls for food and for ’s diets to . A cow, for , 2.8kg of gas per kilo of live body and needs 10kg of feed for every kilo it .对资源和环境的压力,让人们开始呼吁改变粮食生产结构和人类饮食结构。举例来说,一头奶牛每公斤体重产生2.8公斤温室气体,每公斤体重需要10公斤饲料。

Plus, to get just one gram of from , you need 112 of water. The , if and , could form an part of a more to the ’s human .另外,要从牛身上获取一克蛋白质,需要112升水。如果管理和维护得当,海洋可以成为更具可持续性食物来源的重要组成部分,为地球上不断增长的人口提供食物。

4. Its is .海洋的生物多样性令人难以置信

It’s not just a of food. The ocean is also home to an of life. While on the of that live in the sea exist, no one knows with what that is.海洋不仅仅是食物的来源,也是多种生物的家园。虽然我们可以估计生存在海洋中的物种数量,但没有人能确切知道这个数字是多少。

to the US of ’s of , “91% of in the ocean still await .” That’s due in no small part to the of the , which cover 70% of the ’s and are up to 11,000 deep. The of yet-to-be- in the sea could run into the .根据美国国家医学图书馆的国立卫生研究院的数据,“91%的海洋物种仍处于待描述的状态”。这在很大程度上归功于海洋的广阔性上,海洋占地表面积的70%左右, 深达11,000米。生活在海中的尚未被发现的生物数量能够轻易达到百万数量级。

One of how the deep can be is the . Found in and to be , a was out of the ocean in 1938 off the coast of South .腔棘鱼是深海神秘而不可测的一个实例。人们在化石中发现腔棘鱼,并被认为这一物种已经灭绝。但是,1938年渔民在南非海岸意外的捕获到一条活的腔棘鱼。

This deep-water could yield into how were able to adapt to life on land, as the way they move their fins the way many four- walk.这种迷人的深水生物可以为海洋动物如何适应陆地生活这一问题提供宝贵见解,因为它们的鱼鳍运动方式类似于许多四足动物的行走方式。

5. It of jobs5.海洋创造了数百万个就业机会

By 2030, ocean-based will more than 40 , an OECD . The share of those jobs is to be in the , by .经济合作与发展组织的一份报告估计,到2030年海洋产业在全球范围内的雇佣人口超过4,000万人,其中最大就业份额可能是渔业部门,其次是旅游业。

The of is to the of the , of . The ocean is of in , which are home to most of the 3 who rely on the sea for their .当然,海运业的经济健康基本上也与海洋的整体健康有关。海洋经济在发展中国家尤为重要,依靠海洋维持生计的30亿人口中的大多数人,都生活在发展中国家。

like , and a lack of of ocean to put at risk. That will limit the those for , as well as ’s in the .气候变化、污染以及对可持续海洋管理技术缺乏认识等挑战,使海洋资源面临持续风险。这些风险将限制海洋资源为子孙后代带来的潜在社会经济效益海洋的重要性,甚至扼杀当前人们的收入能力。

It and , holds 97% of our ’s water, and CO2, keep the cycle in . From food to jobs, it’s a for of , too.海洋能够调节降雨和干旱,占地球水资源的97%,同时吸收二氧化碳,帮助保持碳循环的平衡。从食物到工作,海洋也是数十亿人的生命线。

But the ocean is also a with an role to play. And with a time in the world and your , that might be else worth on to.但海洋也是一个美丽的自然环境,可以发挥宝贵的娱乐作用。研究表明,人们在自然中所花费时间与压力水平的降低存在相关性,这可能是我们值得继续探究的课题。

